Hola Barcelona! — The Travelogue…

Ravi Verma
13 min readSep 8, 2020


From a small town of Jharkhand to an international tourist spot, home of “FC Barcelona”. A Solo travel to foreign land to end up meeting lovely people and finding soul brothers. It was an amazing time that I spent in Spain. Hence to give my respect and acknowledgment to everyone who was part of my travel is my responsibility, hence I am writing this article.

A club in barcelona!

This was an important event in my life as I had always wanted that my first international travel would have some meaning to it and not just a recreational event. Hence, I was thrilled when I first new about the travel. My wife can tell you about the excitement I had the day I told her.

I am breaking this article in following parts.

  • Requesting the travel
  • Passport and the visa
  • The flight
  • Brothers and the day out
  • The boys, the office and the quarter end
  • Time to say bye.

Requesting the travel

Like every regular Tuesday, I was with my Boss for the weekly update. While I was giving the updates, we focused on the team we ramped up in BCN. It was about 8 months and we were seeing great results; however, I expressed the concern of not being able to connect with them at the level I do with my team here in India. Even though we used all modern method to meet and try to connect, there was always hit and miss and that kept me thirsty.

Suddenly I heard — “You should go meet them” I did not understand it at first and then he said it will be good if you visit the BCN office and meet the guys. Well! my soul was jumping and dancing but outside I kept the composure and said, Sure.

Passport and the Visa

Now you will know the reason, why I kept a separate section dedicated to Passport and visa. My passport had expired in 2016. I never got the urge to renew it just to use it as an ID for taking loan or filling any form. However, I had made a resolution at the beginning of 2019 that I will get my passport renewed. Hence, I applied for renewal, booked a slot, went to passport office. After step 2 I was sent to meet the passport office manager, she abruptly asked me for my educational certificate. I asked why, she said go write an application that you don’t need a passport showing you are educated, I was shocked — what? I asked. She responded your old passport is of type — “ECR category” and while renewing it if you don’t submit your 10th certificate we will issue the same. I did not know a thing about it. However, I read and found I would never get work visa for any country. Hence, I took another slot and went again, and all was okay.

I received my passport but my police verification was not yet done, so the dude turns up to my house and asks for all kinds of documents and as soon as he sees my old passport was from Jharkhand, He immediately asked for even more documentation — I showed him the new passport too, that I have received it. Unfortunately, my police verification failed.

After I raised and escalation, I received a call from passport office to whom I explained everything, but the person was supposedly trained to give time slot and he did that perfectly- only thing he forgot to tell that I was not supposed to go to same visa office but to the regional head office. Anyways the security guard at the passport office told me that I was in wrong place and hence I reached the regional passport office and after being in the queue got to meet the passport officer. After I explained her everything, she showed that she was upset with the “dude” but then smiled and said the “dude” wants to verify your nationality. Thanks to my call center background I almost uttered “WTF”. I was expecting that she would reject the “dude’s” rejection and approve my passport however she sent my application for police verification again. I smiled at her and said, that same “dude” will come to verify, and she said it’s the process.

That’s the time when I googled how to bribe someone.

Finally, I had passport successfully approved by police. Yay! And my boss just told me to go international…

For couple of days I was just thinking and then I spoke with a colleague cum friend cum mentor about it, the next min I got the details of whom to contact for tickets and an introductory email to Visa agency.

Went through the visa agency as it was my first experience and did not want to get bounced around, we picked up a date and booked the tickets. Collected all the documents and prepared my application. Took an appointment for visa document submission and went.

I was before time and the office was empty — only the security guard and the application collector but he is a guy of ethics and made me wait till my slot time came. Then I was called and asked for my documents. Looking at those properly listed documents, he rejected it and gave me a new list of documents. Supposedly they needed 1 year of bank statement and 6 months of salary slip and many more for a 7 days visa. I was taken aback, he gave me another slot and I could not make it in that time. I went the next day and he was furious as to how can I simply walk in. lol the office was very busy with me, the guard and him. Still he called me the next day — I had to.

To my surprise before the 7th day EOB, I got my passport with an approved visa on it.

The Flight

My Flight was in morning to Dubai and then to Barcelona. I reached airport early and checked in, bought a book, eat breakfast and finally acted reading!

The gates opened and I boarded the flight, Woah! Emirates is awesome that’s the voice I heard within me. Reached my seat and settled. Watched movies and when the hostess came, I denied the food only to realize that it was free (already paid for). Well there’s the second flight to compensate! Ting…

I reached Dubai, Connections this way please, connections this way please… If ever I will have memory flashes like Jason Bourne, I am sure this would be part of it… The red connection boards, everyone walking fast and different faces. Kept pace and suddenly a gate opened I was hurried in a bus. I reached next gate and funny thing happened with me. I had two extra hours in between but the time difference confused me and the display boards.

The display boards in Dubai airport has an extra column, it’s the last column that tells you how many min it will take for you to reach the gate from the place where the board is. With so much of hustle and time difference playing at the back of my mind, I thought that column was for the time the flight goes and it showed 6 mins for my flight. Again, I said “WTF” and ran, don’t judge right now… I had to.

I reached the gate, it was closed. Damn! Not a single “May I help you” but many shops. Okay I said to myself and went to the restroom as it was more urgent than missing the flight. After I was done and was relaxed, I guess the brain started functioning and I realized that I have almost two hours before the flight goes. Then I was like why it would say 6 min on the board and then I looked at the closest display board and it said 2 min. Now I knew the reason why they have added the extra column.

Now mind at peace I sat near the gate and as the boarding started, I joined the queue and Holy mother of god what is this, a flight or a hotel! Emirates is super awesome…

I enjoyed the flight and compensated for the miss too 😉

Brothers and the day out

After Immigration check I went out and waited near the conveyor belt to collect my bag, spoke with family and ting! I got a message. It said “Ravi, Waiting opposite your exit in a restaurant white tree in front of, Welcome to Europe”

As I walked out, I saw a huge man standing with my name, I waved, and he saw. With all smiles we met I tried to shake hands and he hugged. Then pointed towards another huge guy with a baseball cap. We waved too.

The two huge guys were Robert Woschee and Andre Ruckner. It did not feel as if we were meeting for first time, it was an instant connection. We sat for 5 mins and then walked out. Rob had everything planned. We took taxi and reached hotel. We decided to meet at the restaurant for dinner after freshening up and we did. We spoke about work and Andre gave some special gifts. We bonded over dinner and I got to know more about Germany. We also planned about Monday day-out and realized we all were too tired to stay up any longer and we moved towards the room, In the lift we decided to make a WhatsApp groups to plan things.

Morning, we met at the restaurant had a nice Spanish breakfast and then waited for the taxi, as it was a holiday, we could not find a taxi hence the reception called for it. We three then reached the place called the plaza to start our city tour. Rob the planner had things sorted out and the two little brothers tagged along. We clicked photos and looked around, the tour was voice guided and to my surprise there was a Hindi channel too. While listening to the guide and watching the beautiful city of Barcelona I noticed couple of things that stood out for me.

The graffiti, the Catatonias flags and the medieval architecture. The city has a major impact of graffiti culture, most of the wall, shop shutters and different object were having graffiti some cool ones and some not worthy to look at.

The architecture is a mix of modern and medieval times, the “la sagrada familia” is so fascinating that I had to get down and walk around to see it up close. Its mesmerizing to see the beauty in the complex design. This is where we bought our ESPANA plates and the cool hats. I met some Urdu speaking vendor and I mistook him of being an Indian, he was a Pakistani. My first ever encounter with a Pakistan resident — they look, feel and speak the same.

My reaction intrigued Andre and he was interested to know the history of India and Pakistan, we parked this discussion for later and continued our city tour clicking photos. We felt a little twitch in our belly and there Rob was already taking the Sausages out from his magical bag! The German Sausages, it gave us enough energy to continue our trip and was tasty too. While we chewed on the sausages, we saw the beautiful beaches, the buildings and lovely people.

We had lot of fun and made great rapport between three of us. Here you see, Andre’s reaction to the sausages just to tease Rob! While we reached the plaza, we were looking for a place to hog.

WhatsApp was full of messages from Danny, Maik and Ahcene as we were planning to meet the whole team in the evening, and we decided to look for the best place that served Paella.

We were back in our rooms by late afternoon and rested so we could reach the place Dan found. I was excited and had my fears too, dressed up and checked my cards. Prayed a bit to god to make my Amex work 😉 — The experience with shops and Amex in HYD is sad hence needed god'ss help.

The boys, the office and the Quarter end

Cheriff was the fancy place that serves Paella, we reached about 7ish and by now I could experience the German side of punctuality. Generally, I am always before time but oh! Boy the dudes from Germany are too good.

Maik, Dan and Ahcene are seriously fit, I realized as they welcomed us into the restaurant. We hugged and made noise. The football rivals could see each other eye to eye. I could only image 100 ways how Andre could squish Dan. Seeing the boys live was a totally a different experience when compared to a video call. While I was enjoying the moment, Ahcene was busy folding his bicycle as the waiter pointed it was not safe to park the bike outside, next min the bike was folded into a wheel and kept in one corner!

I got a message, Bhai it’s a baby girl. It was Nand from Hyderabad. I shared this beautiful message with all, and we made a congratulations video and sent it to Nand. He told me he was so happy to receive the message from all of us when I was back in HYD. After a stomach full of seafood and beer, we walked out. Making jokes and getting to know each other a little more. Ahcene is not always busy, he smiles and laughs too. Finally, we called it a day and came back to rest enough. So, we could get to office on time.

Next morning met Rob and Andre in the busy hotel lobby, grabbed the breakfast and walked to the office. As we entered, we were welcomed by the German presales team. The handsome Dennis and cool looking Axel were too warm and as we settled the rest of the team appeared.

The office was so well placed. Adam was in his den as we met him and discussed about some of the IT requirements, which was simple enough for him to take care off. As Kai walked in, we greeted and hugged, and he went in his corner to do the magic he does with the product.

I met all the ladies (Names not mentioned) and the dudes, it was little scary for me as Spain is all about kisses and hugs. somehow, I managed and thanks to all the ladies for being kind to me. Everyone @ BCN office is a sweetheart. If ever I get an opportunity I would run to work from that office or would recreate the magic at home.

The rest of the day, I spent talking to the boys and saw Andre’s magic in action. Ahcene was stuck to his chair did calls after calls. Dan discussed many things and arranged things for us. Maik had Rob and Andre next to him. We had a team meeting and discussed things about work and what is expected from each other. I took notes of things that could make their life easier.

Now was the time I met Nathalie. A charismatic personality and such a loving person, unfortunately there was a client at risk and that was the point of our discussion. Later I got a ping from her about how easy it was to knock out the challenge for us being under one roof. I wish, I responded.

Later after office we went with few of the BCN folks to a local joint, it was Nat’s kind gesture to welcome us and meet the rest of the team. The place was small, specially when you look at Rob, Andre and me but the place was all love and food. Superb evening came to end as I met Mr. Challenge. He is bundle of energy and too much emotions. All he wants is the best for all. I understood he had some unanswered questions so deflected his comments for our formal meeting and a friend helped 😊.

Next days were filled with one on ones with Sales/Presales spearheads. We discussed various things, and everyone was able to acknowledge the improvement in support from past two years since we started. I noted the areas to work on and explained few work flows, also discussed about how different a support conversation is than of a sales conversation with clients. The reason why there are needs for logs more than once or twice. Thanks to my discussion with Rob and Andre, which helped in establishing that East Germany is difficult to handle for locals too.

Meeting Nat and Lorena was very informative as we exchanged our processes. I believe our teams can complement each other more going forward.

Fortunately, former office was next door and it was sweet meeting an old friend — Osarabo. We had lunch together at Tito’s and remembered the old days and he brought great memories of Joshi (Joe) and Me, as what a symphony it used to be working with us. Thanks to Osarabo and Rob for cherishing those days.

Friday was the last day at BCN office and it was the last day of quarter too. The office is mostly full of sales and presales folks and it was amazing to see everyone in action. I can say I have witnessed awesomeness and the Pizza party too.

Again, hugs and kisses but by now I was used to it. Next time around I will be the master of the art. Before I end this chapter, here is one person who brought the BCN office to life. Tony a beard man and happy soul. You would find him as you enter the office and his energy is infectious, he will energize you while you enter to have an outstanding day — amazing member of the team.

Time to say bye.

As we traveled back to airport. I dropped Andre and Rob at their entry gate, we hugged. Suddenly I felt heavy, something was stuck in my chest and eyes were all watery. Crazy I am a tough guy as I mumbled, not sure why the freak water droplets rolled down my cheeks.

Last five days were so lovely and engaging, it felt like I was with my brothers and parting away was causing pain. That’s life I said and swallowed the lump while walking inside the airport. Next min I got a message, Ravi are you alright? the freaky water droplets came back. Yes, I replied.

This pic cheered me up and I was happy travelling back home.

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Ravi Verma
Ravi Verma

Written by Ravi Verma

As a firm believer in the power of choices, I share insights on the significance of mindful choices on personal growth and fulfillment.

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